Victory Hall (Village Hall)

The land on which the original and the new Victory Hall stands was donated by the Rowsell family for the benefit of the village. The new Victory Hall was erected in 1993, thanks to the tremendous efforts of the Management Committee under the direction of the late Chairman Peter Newton and Vice Chairman the late Bert Binder. The Committee is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the hall and is run by a Management Committee that is elected at the AGM held in May (unless it is an election year) each year, to which all residents are invited.
For bookings and enquiries please contact: Marita Ponting 01621 928719
Hire charges (at time of print): £8 per hour for Mundon residents and regular users £15 per hour for all others.
Regular classes and clubs using the Victory Hall
Aly Stringer Yoga:
Friday 8:30 – 10:30am (2 classes) weekly
Alyson Stringer 07493348248
Blackwater Flower Arrangement:
1st Tuesday of each month 7:30pm
Shirley Macro 01621 854856
Dawn Payne Academy of Dance:
Friday 3:30 - 8pm weekly
Ballet, tap and modern dance for children from two and a half years and above
Dawn Payne 07541229828
Essex Tai Chi Academy:
Monday 9:30 - 12, Wed/Thus 7:30 – 9:30pm, Fri 11:30 - 1pm weekly
Judy Lee-Fenton 07966052861
Mundon Women’s Institute:
2nd Tuesday of each month 7:30pm
Joy Rogers 01621 741223
Phoenix Exercise Group: (Tai Chi practise sessions)
Tuesday and Thursday 10 - 12pm weekly
Tai Chi practise sessions.
Mr F Boyd